Thursday, February 26, 2009

Changing log level for LDAP users

We use LDAP server to authenticate BI users. One of the user was having problem with a report which no one else had. In order to track this issue, we wanted to increase log level for only one user to 5. However we could not do this on a per user bases for LDAP.

Looking at session variables I found a work around for this. Navigate to system session variables, right click and create a 'New LOGLEVEL'. You can give default value of 2, or any other which will get applied to all users.

Next, create a session Initialization block loglevel and select any database as datasource. In the query, you can specify following:

select case when (':USER') = 'user1' then to_number('5',0) else to_number('2',0) end from dual

Select target variable as LOGLEVEL. Doing this will make log level of 5 for user1 but it will remain as 2 for all others.

Also, although valid log level value is upto 7, actual value in current version is only upto 5. Values 6 and 7 is reserved for future use.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for the excellent tip on LOGLEVEL for LDAP users. Do you know how we can use the LDAP User ID and Pwd to log in to RPD?
